Tag: ECI

ECI and Project Incentivisation


It is slowly dawning on the industry that negative incentives i.e. damages, don’t really work in terms of stimulating improved performance and good results. This video presentation will consider the three available strategies for Early Contractor Involvement; the setting of the pain / gain formula in option C, positive versus negative incentives and the use of the X options. This will be related back Connect Plus as a case study of incentivisation in action.

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ECI and Project Incentivisation

TAGS: alliancing, Contract Strategy/Flexibility, Early Contractor Involvement, ECI, NEC, NEC4

This presentation was given by Jon at the 2018 Linked In NEC People conference. It firstly looks at the effectiveness of positive versus negative incentivisation; then at the different types of Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) under NEC and, lastly, at the three basic types of Alliance arrangements.

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An Overview of Early Contractor Involvement

TAGS: alliancing, collaboration, collaborative working, Contract Strategy/Flexibility, Early Contractor Involvement, ECI, NEC, NEC4

This presentation, given at the start of 2023, talks through 6 different archetypes of Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) and their pros & cons and hence which one is most suitable for different types of projects. It then does the same for the three different basic types of Alliances.

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