Short NEC Introductory Overviews
Aim of the Session
- To raise awareness, in a balanced way, of the NEC family of contracts as a suitable form of contract (outside of heavy engineering & construction) which helps the good project management of contracts / sub-projects.
- Having done this, it is up to participants to learn more and / or use it.
- The development of the family.
- Other aspects of Flexibility
- Clarity & Simplicity
- Stimulus to Good Project Management
- Question & Answers / Discussion
As with all courses, this can be on NEC3 only, NEC3 with changes to 4th edition highlighted or purely on NEC4.
Dr Jon Broome, BEng PhD MAPM MIoD, leading edge projects consulting ltd
What previous attendees said
“Very informative and Jon’s style and knowledge makes it easy to listen to what some might consider a dry subject."
“a fact-packed briefing provided by the enthusiastic and practical Dr Jon Broome, probably too modest to describe himself as a la-di-da expert, even with a PhD on applying the NEC family of contracts! I like to think I can navigate myself around a contract and was a little tolerant about attending the event…by jove, what a useful refresher and frankly deep learning experience for me – the keen focus on commercial relationships was energising.”
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Why Jon?
Jon offers tailored NEC training courses that can help deliver better projects and programmes.
For a free discussion on how NEC training or consultancy can help deliver better projects and programmes for you contact Jon Broome.
Tel: +44(0)7970 428 929